15. September 2017.

Whose are All These Photos on the Internet?

Šta je autorsko delo? Koja prava ima autor? Šta je zabranjeno, a šta dopušteno? U autorskom pravu nije sve tako jednostavno pa većina ljudi nije dovoljno informisana kada je reč o fotografijama dostupnim na internetu. Zbog toga često dolazi do neovlašćene upotrebe takvih fotografija i samim tim povrede autorskih prava.
23. June 2017.

Brand and the Philosopher’s Stone

Pre nekoliko godina smo bili kontaktirani od strane jedne autorske Agencije iz Londona u vezi sa problemom koji je njihov klijent imao u Srbiji a odnosilo se na određena autorska i druga prava na jednom romanu. Uvek je uzbudljivo baviti se pravom u takvim oblastima koje se tiču lepih umetnosti, posebno što je to nekad osveženje u tekućim poslovima jedne korporativne advokatske kancelarije.
16. June 2017.

How to Create a Legal Startup Strategy?

Zašto je Intelektualna svojina važna za startapove. Često nas iz startap zajednice pitaju kako da koncipiraju svoj startap projekat u odnosu na konkurente, partnere, saradnike, podizvođače i intelektualnu svojinu itd. To je dobro. Primećujemo da današnja generacija preduzetnika u tehnološkim startapovima u Srbiji ima više svesti o značaju dobro uređenih odnosa od nekih ranijih generacija preduzetnika.
9. June 2017.

How Apple Won the Lost Battle

Možda i postoje razlozi da ne volite kompaniju Apple, ali jednu osobinu joj ne možete osporiti. Apple će ući u bitku za koju će mnogi reći da je unapred izgubljena. Da li ste znali da Apple nije prva kompanija koja je lansirala ime "iPhone"? Upravo na odbrani imena telefona, advokati Apple su na slučaju u Brazilu pokazali koliko je pravo kreativna disciplina i da nikad ne treba odustati bez obzira koliko je pravna prepreka nepremostiva.
12. May 2017.

Nikola Tesla – Where was the Genius Legally Wrong

Kad je 1884. godine stigao u Ameriku, Nikola Tesla je u svom vlasništvu imao knjige poezije, četiri centa i za njega najvrednije - pismo preporuke za rad kod Tomasa Edisona, u to vreme jednog od najpoznatijih biznismena u Americi. Iako je jedan od najznačajnijih naučnika iza sebe ostavio 300 patenata, te se može reći da je Tesla u jednom trenutku bio i veoma bogat, u vreme smrti 1943. godine bio je u bankrotu.
4. April 2017.

Four Reasons to Avoid a 50% Ownership Partnership in a Company

U praksi se često dešava da Vi imate ideju a Vaš partner novac za investiciju. Ta je ideja primamljiva ali može da se pretvori u poslovni promašaj. Zbog toga, morate imate u vidu sledeće. 1. Problem odgovornosti kod ortačkog društva Osnivanje privrednog društva u obliku ortačkog društva bi uvek kada je to moguće trebalo izbegavati, zbog neograničene solidarne odgovornosti ortaka celokupnom ličnom imovinom za obaveze društva, pri čemu se ta obaveza ne može ograničiti prema trećim licima. Ukoliko postoje samo dva partnera, suočavate se sa rizikom da u slučaju insolventnosti drugog partnera samo vi odgovarate za dugove ortačkog društva celokupnom svojom imovinom.
31. October 2016.

Jewish Community of Belgrade against rehabilitation of the Milan Nedić

Law office Naumović & Partners as an authorized representative of the Jewish Community of Belgrade announces that the Community is interested to take an active participation in the process of rehabilitation before the High Court in Belgrade of the war Prime Minister of Serbia Milan Nedic, and the Community will take all legal possibilities that the court reject the request for rehabilitation, since the court during the proceedings is authorized to collect information from organizations and institutions.
22. July 2016.

Issuance of the First Decision on Restitution of Property of Holocaust Victim

Nowadays, law office Naumović & Partners as an authorized representative of the Jewish Community of Belgrade has received the first decision of the Agency for Restitution by which the property of Žiga Štern which is located in Prizrenska Street in Belgrade is returned and given to the ownership of the Jewish Community of Belgrade. The Štern family was taken to a concentration camp in Banjica during World War II and then executed in Auschwitz. Over the past seventy years, their property was used by the Republic of Serbia. Law on Eliminating the Consequences of Seizure of property of Holocaust Victims Without Living Legal Successors is a unique law in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. It was adopted in order to slightly mitigate the effects of the Holocaust and the martyrdom of members of the Jewish community in the Republic of Serbia.
10. July 2016.

Restitution to victims of the holocaust

Law Office “Naumović & Partners” is pleased to announce its representation of the Jewish Community Belgrade in proceedings of restitution under the Law on Eliminating the […]
1. July 2016.

Representation of association “Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia”

We are pleased to announce that the Law Office Naumović & Partners successfully completed its representation of association “Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia” in litigation proceedings […]
23. September 2015.

Successful representation of Jewish Community Belgrade

We are pleased to announce that the Law Office Naumović & Partners successfully completed its representation of Jewish community Belgrade in the process of restitution for […]
10. September 2015.

Business cooperation with Intesa Leasing

We are pleased to point out that we started cooperation and we started to advise Intesa Leasing d.o.o. (www.intesaleasing.rs).
1. September 2015.

Legal representation of Fleet Partner

Naumović & Partners concluded a contract on counseling and legal representation with Fleet Partner d.o.o. Belgrade.
26. August 2015.

The Most Common Legal Mistakes Made When Starting a Startup Project or Starting a Project

Starting new companies and starting projects means the potential for return on investment, rapid growth and profit, especially in the area of ​​SMEs. Establishing companies with […]
1. July 2015.

Tax representative of First Data Slovakia

We have a pleasure to point out that we have appointed as Tax Representative of First Data Slovakia before Tax Authority in Serbia (www.firstdata.com).
29. June 2015.

How to Protect Your Idea

An idea is any thought that goes into an individual’s head. Only when an idea fulfills the condition of innovation and when that idea begins to […]